Pink Diamonds | Glaze Diamonds
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Pink Diamond Guide

pink diamond guide

One of the rarest diamonds among all the fancy-colored diamonds.


Let's take a deep dive into its origins, different levels of intensity, and how it looks in different jewelry settings.

pink diamond guide

1. Origins

Most often found in the Argyle diamond mine in Western Australia as well as other sites like India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, and Canada. For every one million carats of diamond produced at Argyle only one carat will be of high quality.

2. How does it get its color?

The exact cause for the color is still not confirmed adding to the alluring nature of the diamond.

How the pink diamond gets its pink color is a mystery to gemologists. Unlike other fancy-colored diamonds whose color is derived from their impurities, the pink diamond doesn’t contain any. Some theories have arisen stating their color might likely be caused by the pressure the diamond undergoes while other theories are based on the seismic shock that affects the molecular structure.

3. Intensity levels

The grading of diamonds is done according to the intensity and strength of the color.

pink diamond color grading

Pink being the primary hue there are secondary hues like purple, brown, or orange.


Grading the intensity of the diamond is not easy for an untrained eye.


Reach out to us at Glaze Diamonds where our trained experts will ensure you get accurate grading and cost price for the diamond.

4. Diamond price

The price can range from less intense to more intense pink diamonds from $10,000 to $7000,000 per carat.


The main factors affecting the price are intensity and carat weight. As the size and intensity increase so does the price.


Setting a budget and researching diamonds is vital before you buy one. Read more about a detailed guide on what you need to know before purchasing a diamond here.

5. Engagement ring settings

three stone setting- pink diamond

Three stone setting:

Pair a beautiful pink stone with side stones that will frame it boosting its size and allure.

halo setting pink diamonds

Halo setting:

The color and size of the pink diamond are emphasized more by the set of small round diamonds in a halo setting.

double diamond setting pink diamond

Double diamond setting:

Transform your ring a step further by adding a second layer of small stones.

6. Pink Investment Diamonds

7. Popular jewelry settings

pink diamond earrings
pink diamond necklace and earring set
pink diamond ring




Explore the world of Pink Diamonds in class with us and prepare the perfect memorable gift for your loved one or yourself! Take a look at the what these beautiful diamonds signify in our post - Diamond personalities


Coveted for their rarity, revered for their beauty. Learn more about nature's exceptional masterpiece - The Pink Diamond. 

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